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Is ATS content regularly updated?

Yes, we are constantly improving our training program in order to keep up with the latest cyber attacks, and ensure effective and relevant training.

How much does it cost and how do you charge?

Our subscriptions cover 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, or 24 months. We offer discounts for longer periods. Our plans are flexible and adjusted for our clients, so the price is adapted accordingly. Click here to request a quote.

What are my payment options?

Every plan comes with a maximum user limit, so the number of enrolled employees varies depending on your needs. Note that our *premium* plan has no limit.

How do I add users to the platform?

There are 3 possible ways to add users to the platform:

  • Manually
  • .csv files with a limit of 5000 inputs per file
  • Active directory integration with the limit of your active plan

Contact us here for technical support.

Who needs this training?

Everybody who uses a computer needs this training. Cyber security is as important as locking your house at night. Read more about specific use cases here.

Why do employees need this training?

Employees are the most common target of a cyber attack and they are often exposed when working online. Besides reducing the risks of data breaches and business disruption, security awareness training is a compliance requirement for receiving certain certifications. Read more about certifications here.

Do I need to enroll all my employees?

Yes. As long as your employees have access to a personal computer or laptop or the nature of their job requires them to get in contact with someone who does, they are a potential target of a cyber attack. Additionally, if you want to get certified (read more about certifications here), the security awareness training should cover all your employees.

Why do I need a continuous training program?

Because cyber attacks are continuously evolving. Ongoing security awareness training provides your employees with the knowledge and updates necessary to reduce the risks. Additionally, ongoing training stimulates your employees to remain vigilant at all times, not only during the training period, instilling a culture of security in your company.

Is the content available in other languages?

Attack Simulator supports English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian. Unlike other multilanguage security training programs, our content is not translated through Google Translate, but by professionals translators.

Can ATS be whitelabeled?

Sure. We built Attack Simulator for easy white-labeling. Additionally, if you opt for white labeling, you can choose to host remotely – through our servers, or on-premise – directly through your servers. We offer support for installing it on-premise.

Can I use my own LMS?

No. Attack Simulator has its own LMS and relies on it for proper functionality.

Which browser do you support?

Being built on the latest technologies, Attack Simulator supports all modern browsers (Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, etc).

For how long do the email addresses remain in your system after program completion?

As long as you have an active account, your data is kept. After deletion, all your data is anonymized (translated to statistics) and removed.

How do I get certified?

Attack Simulator’s security awareness training is just a part of an extensive compliance program. Read more about certifications here.

Does Attack Simulator offer security certification?

Attack Simulator is not responsible for the certification awarding, as it is just a part of the bigger compliance program. There are separate entities entitled to get you certified. Read more about certifications here.

Do I need to whitelist?

Yes. In order for our phishing simulations to reach your inbox, you need to add Attack Simulator to your email provider/server whitelist. You can find a basic guide here or contact us for support.

Can I become a partner?

Yes. Attack Simulator was built from ground-up to allow easy distribution through a chain of partners. Read more about it on our Partners page.